Club Log and DXLab are happy to welcome the Northern California DX Club as a sponsor of the Cass Award ( Beginning in 2018, there will be two award categories: the Single-Operator Cass Award (awarded to the single-operator DXpedition that works the most unique callsigns during a 2-week interval) and the new Unlimited Cass Award, awarded to the DXpedition that works the most unique callsigns, with no limit on the number of operators or the duration of the activity. Both awards are issued in March for DXpeditions during the preceding year. Past recipients of the Cass Award include Rob Chipperfield M0VFC (ZD9UW, 2012), Peri Monioudis HB9IQB (E44PM, 2013), Nigel Cawthorne G3TXF (ZD9XF, 2014), Jose Luis Murano LU1FM (5J0B, 2015) and Jeff Martin, K5WE (XR0YS, 2016). [TNX AA6YQ]