The inaugural Island Radio Expedition Foundation's (IREF) "IOTA DXpeditioner of the Year" Award will be
presented at the 2019 Dayton DX Dinner. The Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) has agreed to present the award at their annual DX Dinner, which - in the words of IREF President Mike Crownover AD5A - "will add prestige and visibility to the award and will provide the appropriate recognition for IOTA Expeditioners". The new award from IREF will join the list of awards presented annually at SWODXA DX Dinner including DXpedition of the Year, DXpeditioner of the Year (DXCC) and the presentation of the CQ DX Hall of Fame inductees. Details on the "IOTA DXpeditioner of the Year" award can be found at
presented at the 2019 Dayton DX Dinner. The Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) has agreed to present the award at their annual DX Dinner, which - in the words of IREF President Mike Crownover AD5A - "will add prestige and visibility to the award and will provide the appropriate recognition for IOTA Expeditioners". The new award from IREF will join the list of awards presented annually at SWODXA DX Dinner including DXpedition of the Year, DXpeditioner of the Year (DXCC) and the presentation of the CQ DX Hall of Fame inductees. Details on the "IOTA DXpeditioner of the Year" award can be found at