Nominations for the 2020 "class" of the CQ DX Hall of Fame are due by 1 March. The CQ DX Hall of Fame honours those DXers who have gone "above and beyond", not only in terms of their own on-air accomplishments, but also in terms of "giving back" to the DXing community. A maximum of two (2) people may be inducted each year.
Nominations may be made by DX clubs, national organizations or individuals, and must be submitted by 1 March of each year to be considered. Nominations should be directed to CQ DX Hall of Fame, c/o CQ Magazine, 17 West John Street, Hicksville NY 11801, USA; or (preferably) via e-mail to w2vu[@]cq-
amateur-radio.com. Be sure to specify that the nomination is for the CQ DX Hall of Fame. [TNX N2OO]
Nominations may be made by DX clubs, national organizations or individuals, and must be submitted by 1 March of each year to be considered. Nominations should be directed to CQ DX Hall of Fame, c/o CQ Magazine, 17 West John Street, Hicksville NY 11801, USA; or (preferably) via e-mail to w2vu[@]cq-
amateur-radio.com. Be sure to specify that the nomination is for the CQ DX Hall of Fame. [TNX N2OO]