YASME Foundation Supporting Grants
The Yasme Foundation announces the following grants made at its August 26 board meeting.
DokuFunk Austria (Research and Documentation Center for the History of Radio Communications and the Electronic Media). Grant to continue hosting Lloyd and Iris Colvin DXpedition material, and to develop a historical presentation from existing pictures, video, and audio. Yasme also supported the transfer of the HZ1AB QSL collection to Dokufunk.
Grant to Seychelles Amateur Radio Association (SARA) for financial support on upcoming amateur exams.
DokuFunk Austria (Research and Documentation Center for the History of Radio Communications and the Electronic Media). Grant to continue hosting Lloyd and Iris Colvin DXpedition material, and to develop a historical presentation from existing pictures, video, and audio. Yasme also supported the transfer of the HZ1AB QSL collection to Dokufunk.
Grant to Seychelles Amateur Radio Association (SARA) for financial support on upcoming amateur exams.