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V26B destroyed by Fire

MessaggioInviato: 23 novembre 2012, 19:03
Team Antigua is saddened to announce that the V26B contest station was totally destroyed by fire on Sunday, November 18, 2012.

Luckily, no one was seriously hurt. The station Owner, Roy V21N, received minor injuries due to smoke inhalation but is OK now.

This station was used by John G4RCG and Bruce KI7VR back in 2006 (V26G). As of now, the future of the station is uncertain. It may be possible to rebuild it, as the antennas and towers were not damaged. However the interior and all equipment, tools and spare parts were totally destroyed.
Tnx to Brian N3OC & good luck to all Team V26B attempting to resurrect the Station in the months to come

***Update below, click the green tab ;

Information from FRC members Sam WT3Q and Dale N3BNA who just operated at the station on behalf of the club during the recent CQ WW SSB ,is that the station location, all the radio equipment and the various award plaques from previous contest wins are all destroyed . The antennas remained intact.

Those involved with the station have vowed to rebuild.

Bud, AA3B was to operate from there, signing V26K, during CQ WW CW contest. he was contacted him to ask what was happening and this is his response:

Hi Bob,

I'm in Antigua. The shack was destroyed but we're going to try and put something together. We'll see,

Bud AA3B
