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QRZ Summer Tour 2013

MessaggioInviato: 14 maggio 2013, 9:24
Each summer, the founder of QRZ, Fred Lloyd (AA7BQ) and his lovely wife Robin hop into "The Zed," a 45 foot long tour bus, to zig-zag across the US visiting Hamfests and special events. This summer we're enlisting your help to decide where The Zed will turn up next! If you are a member of a club or are planning a Hamfest or special event, we'd love to hear from you.
The first leg of the Summer 2013 tour will begin in the Pacific Northwest. Fred and Robin will start by attending SEAPAC in Seaside, Oregon during the first week of June. They plan to be in the Seattle area from June 3-9 followed by Northern Washington between June 10 and 16. Fred will also celebrate Field Day at Ft. Flagler. If your club meets in or near any of these areas during the dates specified and you'd like to hear about the history of QRZ, we'd love to hear from you!
On the second leg of the tour, The Zed will be adventuring from Washington all the way south to Arizona and could plan a stop to speak to your club anywhere along the way. Potential routes include stops in Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, California, and Utah.
If your club is interested in booking Fred for a speaking engagement or you have an idea about a Hamfest or Special Event that Fred and Robin shouldn't miss, let us know! Send a detailed e-mail noting the location, dates, and type of event to QRZ's General Manager, Jaime Jeffries at

If your state or region isn't mentioned in this posting, Never Fear! Fred, Robin, and The Zed are also considering a 2nd Summer Tour. If your club is interested in hearing more about QRZ, send us an e-mail. Who knows where you'll find us next!