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2nd International Youth Meeting HAM Radio Friedrichshafen

MessaggioInviato: 2 luglio 2013, 21:42
Written by Lisa PA2LS
Monday, 01 July 2013 23:18

Last Saturday, 29th of June 2013, the 2nd International Youth meeting took place at the HAM Radio in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Several lectures where given. Dutch JOTA-JOTI coordinator Remko Welling PE1MEW pointed out three pillars are needed to have success with organizing scout radio activities: communication, technics and working together. He was also highlighting internet is not dangerous for amateur radio.
Finnish youth coordinator of SRAL Mari Nikkilä OH2FPK showed youth events as training camps, communication camps and youth dx-peditions. About 25% of the participants in youth training camps remains being radio amateur. At the moment more than 46 schools were visited and more than 1000 kids heard about radio amateurism. She told clearly problems with gaining new young radio amateurs and gave interesting solutions for these problems.
Tommy Degrande ON2TD youth coordinator of UBA showed electronic building kits used in Belgium, JOTA-JOTI and Youngsters on The Air 2012 which was held last summer in Eeklo.

As surprise Gerrit Herzig DH8GHH found time to show pictures of Fichtenfieldday. This is a weekend fieldday for young hams with following parts in the program: electronic kit building, using HF radios, Foxoring, geocaching and other games. This year, last year he also was attending the youth meeting, Alexander Banbury KE7WUD updated us about progress in youth and amateur radio concerning on emergency. Emergency is at his home QTH, Mercer Island USA, a main issue as floods, earth quakes and tornados are common. This is also a reason for youth to become radio amateur to help and assist when telecommunication infrastructure fails.