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RSGB Centenary Celebrations

MessaggioInviato: 19 luglio 2013, 21:29
Written by Colin Thomas G3PSM
Friday, 19 July 2013 18:06

On the 5th July 2013 the RSGB celebrated 100 years of existence with the formation on July 5th 1913 of the London Wireless Club, later to become the London Wireless Society and then the Radio Society of Great Britain. As part of the celebrations a number of events were held at the National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park, including the operation of G100RSGB and an ARDF event for local school children. In addition a Buildathon had local school children building 20 metre PSK31 receivers from kits whilst others programmed Raspberry PI computers to work in conjunction with the receivers. Lectures were held in the Bletchley Park mansion and all events were very well attended.

A number of VIPs attended and were shown around by RSGB President Bob Whelan G3PJT and General Manager Graham Coomber G0NBI. The Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher unveiled a plaque at the National Radio Centre celebrating the work of some 1,500 UK radio amateurs who served as Voluntary Interceptors during World War 2.

International visitors included IARU President Tim Ellam VE6SH, IARU Vice-President Ole Garpestad LA2RR, IARU Region 1 President Hans Blondeel-Timmerman PB2T, ARRL President Kay Craigie N3KN, ARRL CEO Dave Sumner K1ZZ and representatives from DARC.

In the evening a celebration dinner was held and in the manner of 1913 dress was formal. A photograph taken before the start of the dinner is shown.

Until July 31st 2013 UK stations may use the GV prefix in celebration of this event.
