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Training Defence Sports Camp of the PZK - Poronin 2013

MessaggioInviato: 24 agosto 2013, 15:12
Written by Paweł Zakrzewski SP7TEV - PZK IARU Liaison Officer
Thursday, 22 August 2013 22:04

From 20th July to 3rd August 2013, the sixth edition of the Training Defence Sports Camp was held - it was organised by the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) and co-financed from a grant awarded by the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Poland. The venture took place in Poronin in the Tatra mountains, in the Małopolska Province - about 80 kilometers from Cracow, in the "Beech Grove" boarding-house - located in a picturesque area. The programme of the event included classes in the field of radio direction finding, classes in the field of radio-orienteering races, activity on the air from the SP0PZK club radio station (also activity from the Tatra National Park), operating in radio networks, a preparation course for the examination for amateur radio certificates, cultural and recreational activities (camp sport games, events in plain air (bonfires), tournaments), various tours. Mr Zbigniew Mądrzyński, SP2JNK - a member of the Presiding Committee of the Polish Amateur Radio Union, Deputy President for Sport Affairs - was the main organiser of the event, and Ms Joanna Karwowska, SQ2LIC - Award Manager of the PZK - was the director of the camp.
The camp was attended by 44 participants (10 - 19 years of age), under the care of eight persons of educational personnel and instructors. The youth and children were divided into groups having been given classes in various specialties.