Messaggio 20 febbraio 2014, 17:21

Successful ARISS Contact of Zespol Szkol Technicznych

Successful ARISS Contact of Zespol Szkol Technicznych in Ostrow Wielpolski
Written by ON4WF
Thursday, 20 February 2014 10:07

On Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 at 10:44 UTC, students from The Centre of Technical Schools (Zespol Szkol Technicznych abr. ZST) in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Poland established an ARISS contact with JAXA astronaut Koichi Wakata onboard the International Space Station. The astronaut operated with the ISS call sign OR4ISS. This contact was performed by Ostrow Radio Amateur Club SP3POW.

The Centre of Technical Schools in Ostrow Wielkopolski is a school which educates future electronics and mechatronics engineers, computer scientists and renewable energy specialists. Currently, the school has 800 students aged from 16 to 19 years. The ZST had invited 13 - 15 years old students from Junior High School No. 1 named of Polish Nobel laureates in Ostrow Wielkopolski and 10 - 12 years old students from Pope John Paul II Primary School in Lamki. All of them could participate in the ARISS program. The preparations for the ARISS contact began in late 2011. A series of amateur radio classes were set up so that students could learn the ham radio procedures. It was a very interesting experience for them to carry out radio communications through amateur radio satellites and to get pictures from the NOAA satellites. In addition, they monitored other radio signals from space. Most exciting were the radio contacts with the ISS in the APRS system and listening to ARISS contacts of schools in Poland, Europe and the USA (when they performed an ARISS telebridge contact via a European ground station).
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB - -



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