BFRA Youth Coordinator
Written by Panayot, LZ1US
Saturday, 01 March 2014 19:57
BFRA appointed Teodora Getsova LZ2CWW as their Youth Coordinator. This well educated YL is in love with Amateur Radio. She is active and capable to organizing young LZ hams. She has been several times World champion in High Speed Telegraphy with amazing results. Best wishes, Teodora, in your new position.
Saturday, 01 March 2014 19:57
BFRA appointed Teodora Getsova LZ2CWW as their Youth Coordinator. This well educated YL is in love with Amateur Radio. She is active and capable to organizing young LZ hams. She has been several times World champion in High Speed Telegraphy with amazing results. Best wishes, Teodora, in your new position.