Fernando, TZ6BB (EA4BB) has been reassigned to Nigeria and will go there on 8 September. "I was kind of expecting this, though not so soon", he says. This means that TZ6BB will go QRT from Mali on Sunday (7 September) evening. He will be back to Mali for a few days by mid November, "but my task then will be to dismantle the station, pack all my things and then return to 5N land to stay. I will of course do my best to be on the air from there, but I need first to sort a license, QTH, station etc. Not sure how long that is going to take, but I'm afraid it won't happen overnight. I am leaving some of my radio equipment (including a nice HF transceiver) behind, here in Mali, as a little present to a local ham in the hope he will keep Mali active on the bands in the future. Let's see what happens". [TNX TZ6BB]