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VK9XSP summary

MessaggioInviato: 3 novembre 2014, 16:42
After 55 hours trip (from door to door) passing 7 time zones, all DXpediton team members joined their family members and pets. We are very tired but satisfied of the expedition results.

We made as much as 52,256 QSOs with 173 countries around the world with 33. 5% unique calls. Nearly 4600 QSOs among them were with NA stations which were located in antipodal position for us. We apologize to SA & VK/ZL stations but this direction was shadowed from our location by high rocks.

Because of very high Solar Flux index lower bands were very noisy except few days only. We expected much more from Top Band as well but unfortunately propagation was very, very poor and despite of our PA, good antennas and CQing on our greyline time daily we were successful to work with only one NA station and making only 371 QSOs in total on TB. For comparison we had 12900 QSOs on 10m band. We had tried 6m band as well but there was no answer on our CQ call and cluster spots. Nobody was able to receive our signals. It was complete blackout on all bands 2 hour after our sun set for the following 5 to 6 hours what effected on our final score as well. Anyhow we are quite happy with our results, it seems to be the all time expedition records form Christmas Island.

During next 3-4 weeks we will check all call correction requirements sent to us on the address against our original log and upload it again into Club Log system in order to allow you make your OQRS in full.

By this time our QSL card should be ready as well so expect our QSL cards under from Christmas Island under your Christmas tree.

Vy 73! Wlodek

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