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DXpedition of the Year – VK9MT response

MessaggioInviato: 9 gennaio 2015, 22:05

The Mellish Reef – VK9MT – team is honored to have been included in, and selected for, this recognition among a slate of outstanding candidates. Like all DXpedition participants our goal was to safely activate a rare one and do it in a professional manner.

Every DX-pedition team experiences challenges, a few you might hear about but many will remain on the island. As each of the teams and individuals considered for this recognition well know, these projects require significant cooperation and assistance, both internally and externally.

Following a plan is the easy part. Overcoming the unexpected and changing plans on the fly requires teamwork, perseverance and cooperation both on the island and by the greater DX community.

Congratulations to all the contenders and winners. And a special thanks to the VK9MT team that worked tirelessly to keep the stations on the air.

We appreciate the recognition, and thank the DX community, and the Northern California DX Club for finding us worthy of this recognition.

Pista HA5AO,
Team Leader,
VK9MT Mellish Reef.