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Hans Berg, DJ6TJ - SK

MessaggioInviato: 25 febbraio 2015, 13:17
Tuesday, 24 February 2015 15:11
Written by Colin Thomas

Hans Berg, DJ6TJ
We have learned the sad news of the death of Hans Berg, DJ6TJ. Hans was Chairman of the old HF Working Group and the Region 1 HF Committee from 1984 until 1993. He was also the "international face" of DARC, as Foreign Relations Committee Chairman. During those years he made many friends around the world and was well respected by those who knew him.

Hans died on 18th February in hospital in Luebeck. He was 72.

IARU owes Hans a debt of gratitude for all his work on behalf of amateur radio. RIP Hans.

Re: Hans Berg, DJ6TJ - SK

MessaggioInviato: 27 febbraio 2015, 20:59
Hans Berg, DJ6TJ passed away on 18 February at 72 years of age. He was Chairman of the old IARU Region 1 HF Working Group and the Region 1 HF Committee from 1984 until 1993. He was also the Foreign Relations Committee Chairman of DARC (1982-2003).
Sandor "Alex" Gyorfi, HA7UW died unexpectedly on 20 February. "Alex had been a conscientious IOTA checkpoint since October 2005 and during these ten years had shown himself to be a great supporter and friend of IOTA",
G3KMA says. He also "served the HA amateurs over a very long period as the chief of the QSL bureau, setting a gold standard that was impossible to exceed".