Jubilee of the 85th anniversary of the PZK and the 90th IARU
Inviato: 1 marzo 2015, 16:18
Sunday, 01 March 2015 10:15
Written by Pawe? Zakrzewski, SP7TEV - IARU Liaison Officer of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)
Jubilee ceremony on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Polish Amateur Radio Union - PZK (Polski Zwi?zek Krótkofalowców) and the 90th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union
On 24th February 2015, the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) celebrated the 85th anniversary of its founding, as well as the 90th anniversary of establishing of the IARU. A festive ceremony on both occasions was organised in the District Centre of Cultural Promotion in Warsaw. Representatives of various Polish governmental authorities attended the event: Bogdan Dombrowski - Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Administration and Digitization, Karol Krzywicki - Vice-President of the Office of Electronic Communications, Senior Brigadier Zbigniew Góral - Director of the Bureau of Information Technologies and Communications at the Headquarters of the State Fire Service, and Lieutenant Colonel Waldemar Pawluczuk - present in the name of the Minister of National Defence, Tomasz Siemoniak.
A special honorary guest of the jubilee celebration - Don Beattie G3BJ, President of the Executive Committee of the IARU Region 1 - made an occasional speech in which he remembered the beginning of the amateur radio movement in the following way: “Since the beginning of amateur radio, radio amateurs have grouped into national amateur radio societies, through which they share their work and build a community of interest. PZK is one of those Societies and it is noteworthy that when IARU was founded in 1925, there was a Polish representative amongst the relatively small group of countries represented at that first congress.”Don G3BJ remembered also the whole evolution of amateur radio form its outset to the present day, strengthening permanent highest technical development and social usefulness of this activity.
Many of the present guests were awarded with organisational merit plaques by President of the PZK - Jerzy Jakubowski SP7CBG. Also the PZK was awarded by Don G3BJ with a very elegant inscribed commemorative Quaich, a traditional Scottish drinking bowl of friendship.
A special guest of the celebration ceremony - Wojciech Nietyksza SP5FM, active for over 25 years as Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the IARU Region 1 - highlighted the importance of mutual respect of diversified human efforts and achievements, considering the aspect of strong links between the past and the present.
Film material:
Elaboration: Pawe? Zakrzewski, SP7TEV - IARU Liaison Officer of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)
Written by Pawe? Zakrzewski, SP7TEV - IARU Liaison Officer of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)
Jubilee ceremony on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Polish Amateur Radio Union - PZK (Polski Zwi?zek Krótkofalowców) and the 90th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union
On 24th February 2015, the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) celebrated the 85th anniversary of its founding, as well as the 90th anniversary of establishing of the IARU. A festive ceremony on both occasions was organised in the District Centre of Cultural Promotion in Warsaw. Representatives of various Polish governmental authorities attended the event: Bogdan Dombrowski - Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Administration and Digitization, Karol Krzywicki - Vice-President of the Office of Electronic Communications, Senior Brigadier Zbigniew Góral - Director of the Bureau of Information Technologies and Communications at the Headquarters of the State Fire Service, and Lieutenant Colonel Waldemar Pawluczuk - present in the name of the Minister of National Defence, Tomasz Siemoniak.
A special honorary guest of the jubilee celebration - Don Beattie G3BJ, President of the Executive Committee of the IARU Region 1 - made an occasional speech in which he remembered the beginning of the amateur radio movement in the following way: “Since the beginning of amateur radio, radio amateurs have grouped into national amateur radio societies, through which they share their work and build a community of interest. PZK is one of those Societies and it is noteworthy that when IARU was founded in 1925, there was a Polish representative amongst the relatively small group of countries represented at that first congress.”Don G3BJ remembered also the whole evolution of amateur radio form its outset to the present day, strengthening permanent highest technical development and social usefulness of this activity.
Many of the present guests were awarded with organisational merit plaques by President of the PZK - Jerzy Jakubowski SP7CBG. Also the PZK was awarded by Don G3BJ with a very elegant inscribed commemorative Quaich, a traditional Scottish drinking bowl of friendship.
A special guest of the celebration ceremony - Wojciech Nietyksza SP5FM, active for over 25 years as Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the IARU Region 1 - highlighted the importance of mutual respect of diversified human efforts and achievements, considering the aspect of strong links between the past and the present.
Film material:
Elaboration: Pawe? Zakrzewski, SP7TEV - IARU Liaison Officer of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)