Cezar, VE3LYC was able to be active as VY0/VE3LYC from Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island (NA-009) between 20.15 UTC on 2 August and 08.47 UTC on the 3rd. He logged 1220 QSOs on 20m CW and SSB. A separate
QSL card will be printed for this activity. Operations from Melville Island (NA-248) started at 20.24 UTC on 4 August, and VY0M logged over 4500 QSOs until 9.25 UTC on the 11th. The vast majority of the contacts were made on 20m, although he "spent a little bit of time on 17 and 30m, with modest results". When both the logs are uploaded to Club Log, a note will be posted on http://vy0m.weebly.com/.
QSL card will be printed for this activity. Operations from Melville Island (NA-248) started at 20.24 UTC on 4 August, and VY0M logged over 4500 QSOs until 9.25 UTC on the 11th. The vast majority of the contacts were made on 20m, although he "spent a little bit of time on 17 and 30m, with modest results". When both the logs are uploaded to Club Log, a note will be posted on http://vy0m.weebly.com/.