W6AM Don Wallace Museum Foundation donates to NCDXF
NCDXF Press Release, 30 May 2016
W6AM Don Wallace Museum Foundation donates to Northern California DX Foundation
A donation of $29,000 on behalf of the Don Wallace Museum Foundation (DWMF) was recently given to NCDXF.
After 30 years the DWMF is closing down, as the area of the famous W6AM Rhombic Ranch in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, has succumbed to residential property development, announced board chairman Joe Locascio, K5KT. “The donation comes with NO restrictions or caveats. As I strongly suspect, Don (the original)W6AM would favor sucha donation to an organization dedicated to DXing!”
Former notable members of the DWMF include the Honorable Barry M Goldwater K7UGA as Honorary Chairman, John Alexander K6SVL, John Vanderlip (Son of Frank Vanderlip - early developer of Palos Verdes),Ken Dyda, former founding Councilman of Rancho Palos Verdes and current sitting Mayor as well as severalothers that were dedicatedto the memory of Don C. Wallace W6AM and Radio here on Palos Verdes.
Mr. Locascio states, “We are in the last efforts in closing down the Don Wallace Museum Foundation, Inc... now after nearly30 years of existence. The W6AM Radio Club will continue as long as needed to support the W6AM call sign.”
“We, the board of directors of the DWM Foundation, make this donation on behalf of previous donors, many of which were DXers and were looking forward to some Radio activity with respect to the old W6AM Rhombic Ranch here in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Unfortunately, we the BOD, were not able to achieve our long term goal of an actual Museum with an active Radio station on the property. However, there is an 18" X 24" Bronze Plaque that is attached to a BIG, heavy Palos Verdes rock that is placed at the entry way to the Wallace Ranch (see SEP '15 QST, page 20), where 83 homes are now placed entirely (if not mostly) on the ~24 Acres of property owned by W6AM at the time of his death in May of 1985.”
“This large grant to NCDXF is our way of letting the donors to the museum know the funds were passed to a charitable foundation whose goals are consistent with the museum goals.”
The NCDXF board of directors has assured the DWMF that the donated funds will be carefully used to support DXpeditions to the most wanted entities, which tend to be the most expensive.
Has your club or foundation considered donating to NCDXF to support DXpeditions?
NCDXF would like to thank those individuals who stopped by our Dayton booth to make new or continuing individual contributions.
Glenn Johnson, W0GJ
NCDXF Vice President
W6AM Don Wallace Museum Foundation donates to Northern California DX Foundation
A donation of $29,000 on behalf of the Don Wallace Museum Foundation (DWMF) was recently given to NCDXF.
After 30 years the DWMF is closing down, as the area of the famous W6AM Rhombic Ranch in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, has succumbed to residential property development, announced board chairman Joe Locascio, K5KT. “The donation comes with NO restrictions or caveats. As I strongly suspect, Don (the original)W6AM would favor sucha donation to an organization dedicated to DXing!”
Former notable members of the DWMF include the Honorable Barry M Goldwater K7UGA as Honorary Chairman, John Alexander K6SVL, John Vanderlip (Son of Frank Vanderlip - early developer of Palos Verdes),Ken Dyda, former founding Councilman of Rancho Palos Verdes and current sitting Mayor as well as severalothers that were dedicatedto the memory of Don C. Wallace W6AM and Radio here on Palos Verdes.
Mr. Locascio states, “We are in the last efforts in closing down the Don Wallace Museum Foundation, Inc... now after nearly30 years of existence. The W6AM Radio Club will continue as long as needed to support the W6AM call sign.”
“We, the board of directors of the DWM Foundation, make this donation on behalf of previous donors, many of which were DXers and were looking forward to some Radio activity with respect to the old W6AM Rhombic Ranch here in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Unfortunately, we the BOD, were not able to achieve our long term goal of an actual Museum with an active Radio station on the property. However, there is an 18" X 24" Bronze Plaque that is attached to a BIG, heavy Palos Verdes rock that is placed at the entry way to the Wallace Ranch (see SEP '15 QST, page 20), where 83 homes are now placed entirely (if not mostly) on the ~24 Acres of property owned by W6AM at the time of his death in May of 1985.”
“This large grant to NCDXF is our way of letting the donors to the museum know the funds were passed to a charitable foundation whose goals are consistent with the museum goals.”
The NCDXF board of directors has assured the DWMF that the donated funds will be carefully used to support DXpeditions to the most wanted entities, which tend to be the most expensive.
Has your club or foundation considered donating to NCDXF to support DXpeditions?
NCDXF would like to thank those individuals who stopped by our Dayton booth to make new or continuing individual contributions.
Glenn Johnson, W0GJ
NCDXF Vice President