Inviato: 23 luglio 2016, 9:14
Ive been QRT for over 8 years and just took up an interest again with ham radio in mid July 2016 ,I'm glad to be back ,ham radio is now far more interesting than restoring classic Italian cars .
Some of my achievements:
First IOTA activation (EU-189 ) for the island of Rockall,was the last one in the EU needing activation . This was something that I have always wanted to do going right back to 1981, and so be it was 24 years later before I got around to doing it.
Its the most amazing place to be ,and at the time I was one of less that 30 people to ever set foot on top of the worlds most remote Island and the most dangerous one to get on too ,I guess that was what made me interested in the first place ,the danger aspect of it,Hi Hi
Many thanks go out to the whole team that was involved .
Also :The first crossing from Scotland across the pond on 136khz psk31 ,I missed out by only one day to make the first UK crossing, was I sick ? yes to say the very least !!!.
The antenna was 1650ft of wire 80ft above ground (min) to130foot (max). All home built :a transverter driving a mosfet PA then driving into a twin pentode valve PA . There is a lot of other first contacts I made on this band from Scotland, including cross band 73khz/136khz. .
PS I have taken down the 1650ft antenna as it was near a full time job to maintain and I did so for over 4yrs and ended up selling the towers.I was 100% dedicated.
Here is a link to view my PSK 31 transmission received by Jack VE1ZZ
One last note . Im not involved with the QSL cards for Rockall ,you would need to contact the QSL manager .Good dx es 73s David
Some of my achievements:
First IOTA activation (EU-189 ) for the island of Rockall,was the last one in the EU needing activation . This was something that I have always wanted to do going right back to 1981, and so be it was 24 years later before I got around to doing it.
Its the most amazing place to be ,and at the time I was one of less that 30 people to ever set foot on top of the worlds most remote Island and the most dangerous one to get on too ,I guess that was what made me interested in the first place ,the danger aspect of it,Hi Hi
Many thanks go out to the whole team that was involved .
Also :The first crossing from Scotland across the pond on 136khz psk31 ,I missed out by only one day to make the first UK crossing, was I sick ? yes to say the very least !!!.
The antenna was 1650ft of wire 80ft above ground (min) to130foot (max). All home built :a transverter driving a mosfet PA then driving into a twin pentode valve PA . There is a lot of other first contacts I made on this band from Scotland, including cross band 73khz/136khz. .
PS I have taken down the 1650ft antenna as it was near a full time job to maintain and I did so for over 4yrs and ended up selling the towers.I was 100% dedicated.
Here is a link to view my PSK 31 transmission received by Jack VE1ZZ
One last note . Im not involved with the QSL cards for Rockall ,you would need to contact the QSL manager .Good dx es 73s David