Dr. Lutz D. Schmadel, DK8UH passed away on 21 October. Born in 1942, he was an astronomer whose special interest was the astrometry of minor planets. "Lutz's landmark contributions to science are numerous, and his scientific persona was greater than life", says Cezar, VE3LYC.
"Throughout the years, he was also a very passionate radio amateur, who fell hard in love with the IOTA Programme. As a Board member of the German DX Foundation, Lutz was a staunch supporter of IOTA activities, and behind every single operation who received GDXF funding. The IOTA community lost an
extremely passionate, fiercely supportive, and generous advocate".
"Throughout the years, he was also a very passionate radio amateur, who fell hard in love with the IOTA Programme. As a Board member of the German DX Foundation, Lutz was a staunch supporter of IOTA activities, and behind every single operation who received GDXF funding. The IOTA community lost an
extremely passionate, fiercely supportive, and generous advocate".