OE1LZA Laila
I'm the daughter of Sheikh Ahmed HZ1HZ; the passion for ham radio is running in my blood. With the support of the ÖVSV and my great teacher Arnold OE1AGB, I was granted the CEPT license in May 2013.
On 31st December 2013, I became the holder of my late father's HZ1HZ call. I had to work really hard to get this precious call. I am proud to be the only YL who took the Saudi ham radio exam that day and the only person of twenty who was able to pass it.
I am in the process of building up my shack in Jeddah. Hopefully it will be ready soon! So look out for me I well be happy to make QSO with you.
Here in Austria, I have a small station near Vienna woods; it was installed with the help of a bunch of friendly OMs. I have a Cushcraft R-8 (40-6m) antenna, a YAESU FT-2000 TX which was given to me by my mentor and dear friend Dr. Ivan OE1DIA. I'm grateful to him and honored to be a member of his OE3K club.
OE3LZA is the call of my 2nd location, you can also look at http://www.zaidan.at
Watch out, I'm ready to conquer the bands.
Thank you,
73, CU down the log