NCDXF End Year Recap & Appeal
Dear Fellow DXer:
NCDXF helps make DX happen.
During 2016, NCDXF-sponsored DXpeditions activated five of the ten most needed entities. These DXpeditions put 457,000 QSOs into DXers’ logs. During 2016, we also granted $156,000 to fund these and other DXpeditions. We are grateful to be able, with your help, to offer enabling financial assistance to bold and talented DXpeditioners who activate the rare ones.
DXpeditions are now being planned to additional most-needed entities. NCDXF is here to help make them happen.
The mission of NCDXF is to provide necessary financial support for well-organized DXpeditions to rare, difficult, expensive DXCC entities. We pursue this mission by thoroughly vetting each grant application we receive. We then have discussions with organizers to ensure, to the extent possible, that each DXpedition or other project we fund will be successful. During our 44 years of operation we have granted well over $1 million to hundreds of major DXpeditions.
Help us continue the tradition.
Over 4,000 DXers have contributed to NCDXF.
Join them now.
As most of you are aware, NCDXF is a 501(c)(3) entity. This means that, for U.S. amateurs, contributions are likely to be tax-deductible. Please consider a contribution to NCDXF when you plan your year-end giving. Also, please consider NCDXF when you do your IRA RMD designation and your estate planning.
Contributions can easily be made on-line using our secure web server:
NCDXF accepts credit cards, PayPal, or even Bitcoin. If you prefer to mail a check, our address is:
NCDXF, PO Box 2012, Cupertino, CA 95015-2012
We, and the DX community at large, will be most grateful for your contribution. Thank you.
Best wishes for great DX in 2017,
Tom, ND2T – President, NCDXF.
NCDXF helps make DX happen.
During 2016, NCDXF-sponsored DXpeditions activated five of the ten most needed entities. These DXpeditions put 457,000 QSOs into DXers’ logs. During 2016, we also granted $156,000 to fund these and other DXpeditions. We are grateful to be able, with your help, to offer enabling financial assistance to bold and talented DXpeditioners who activate the rare ones.
DXpeditions are now being planned to additional most-needed entities. NCDXF is here to help make them happen.
The mission of NCDXF is to provide necessary financial support for well-organized DXpeditions to rare, difficult, expensive DXCC entities. We pursue this mission by thoroughly vetting each grant application we receive. We then have discussions with organizers to ensure, to the extent possible, that each DXpedition or other project we fund will be successful. During our 44 years of operation we have granted well over $1 million to hundreds of major DXpeditions.
Help us continue the tradition.
Over 4,000 DXers have contributed to NCDXF.
Join them now.
As most of you are aware, NCDXF is a 501(c)(3) entity. This means that, for U.S. amateurs, contributions are likely to be tax-deductible. Please consider a contribution to NCDXF when you plan your year-end giving. Also, please consider NCDXF when you do your IRA RMD designation and your estate planning.
Contributions can easily be made on-line using our secure web server:
NCDXF accepts credit cards, PayPal, or even Bitcoin. If you prefer to mail a check, our address is:
NCDXF, PO Box 2012, Cupertino, CA 95015-2012
We, and the DX community at large, will be most grateful for your contribution. Thank you.
Best wishes for great DX in 2017,
Tom, ND2T – President, NCDXF.