The Island Radio Expedition Foundation (IREF) was founded in 1999 for the sole purpose of providing financial assistance for expeditions to rare IOTA groups (i.e. confirmed by 15% or less of island chasers). The organization is truly international in scope and a seven person Board (N5UR, NI5DX, W9DC, K9AJ, G3NUG, CT1EEB and JA9IFF) decides on grants. IREF has provided about $75,000 in funding since its inception. "IREF hasn't had to solicit support in over a decade, but the contribution landscape seems to be changing", IREF President Mike Crownover (AD5A) says, and the Foundation "has recently had to reduce our grant amounts because of a shrinking treasury". With the advent of OQRS, "it is much easier for individuals to direct their dollars specifically to expeditions they work", but when using OQRS, "you only support expeditions you work, contributing to IREF who supports rare expeditions might provide enough support for expeditioners to go to that next one you need". To contribute via PayPal, go to and click on the "Join" tab. IREF is also in need of a webmaster: "if you are so inclined and have the expertise", please contact AD5A or AB5EB.