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NCDXF News 27 April 2017

MessaggioInviato: 28 aprile 2017, 11:07
NCDXF Press Release


27 April 2017
New NCDXF President: K6MM
At the 2017 Annual Board Meeting of the Northern California DX Foundation this past weekend at the Visalia International DX Convention, John Miller, K6MM, was elected President.
The full list of Officersfor 2017-2018 includes:
President: John Miller, K6MM
Vice President: Glenn Johnson, WØGJ
Secretary: Kip Edwards, W6SZN
Treasurer: Don Greenbaum, N1DG
Ned Stearns, AA7A
Steve Merchant, K6AW
Glenn Rattmann, K6NA
Kevin Rowett, K6TD
Craig Thompson, K9CT
Tom Berson, ND2T
Glenn Vinson, W6OTC
The primary purpose of NCDXF is to help fund well-organized DXpeditions to rare, difficult and expensive entities. Those funds come from the contributions of our supporters in the DX community. Your contribution will help make DX happen.
In addition:
* NCDXF provides scholarships to Contest University for those 25 years of age and under
* Partners with IARU to operate the NCDXF Beacon System worldwide
* Oversees the Cycle 25 Project: an endowment-fund createdfrom estate planning
We thank you for your continued support.
Best regards,
Glenn Johnson, WØGJ
NCDXF Vice President
