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YOTA is this week in the UK, listen out for GB17YOTA

MessaggioInviato: 7 agosto 2017, 15:35
Sunday, 06 August 2017 17:41
Written by Lisa, PA2LS

80 Youngsters from 26 countries will be enjoying an exciting week in the UK. A week full of ham radio and making new international friends.

They are taking part in an interesting program, here a few highlights:
- Tuesday an ARISS contact with astronaut Paolo Nespoli
- Intercultural evening where everyone brings food from their home country
- Kit building
- SOTA activity
- Visit to London, Bletchley Park and Ofcom
- Operating the station GB17YOTA, in all kind of digital modes, CW and Phone
- All youngsters will taking part in the UK foundation license exam

These daily dairies are giving a brief summary of the activities they have joined. Take a look.
Follow the youngsters on the RSGB and YOTA social media pages.
