Inviato: 17 novembre 2017, 18:20
Mike AB5EB (CW), Mike AD5A (CW) and Craig VK5CE (SSB) operated as VK9AR (https://ashmorereef.wordpress.com/) from Ashmore Reef (OC-216) for two days and a half, and logged 8173 QSOs with Asia (50%), Europe (33%) and North America (13%). On the return journey to Broome, there was an opportunity for the bird researchers they were travelling with to do a quick visit to Browse Island (OC-234). The IOTA team "had no choice of the arrival/departure time or length of stay" on the island, but "made the effort to get it on the air with 2 stations for as long as we could". 720 QSOs were logged on 20 and 17 metres between 21.31 UTC on 11 November and 00.40 UTC on 12 November. Unfortunately is was too late in the local morning for Europe, and "only some got in the log". Logsearch and OQRS for VK9AR and VK9AR/6 are now available on Club Log. Both the operations have been approved for IOTA credit.