FT8 Party: a great success!!!
Inviato: 2 gennaio 2018, 16:16
Tue, 02/01/2018 - 23:00 — eurao
For the last EURAO Party, the one in Autumn 2017, devoted to "FT8, a brand new mode", we have received more logs than ever: 24, including 1614 QSOs in 10 bands, from 12 countries in 3 continents.
The second one was in Autumn 2014 with the motto "be digital, explore 30m", co-organized with the 30 Meter Digital Group, when we received 21 logs with 661 QSOs in 17 modes, from 12 countries in 2 continents.
Certificates of Participation for all participants are ready for download now at the Party website.
Thanks to all participants and sorry for the delay in making the certificates available. Maybe this encourages sending more logs in the future. Or in the past, you are still on time.
We apologize to the new followers who did not understand that we were trying to keep the usual 'rules', but striking out not valid lines for the current party, in order to preserve the spirit of these non-competitive events but adapting to each particular case.
Even FT8 is a mode not good for ragchew, we wanted to take the opportunity to promote this new mode and encourage hams to discover it and use it, some of the purposes of the EURAO Parties.
Congratulations to those who guess it was necessary to adapt the CQ call "proposed". The most important was to participate and have fun. We hope you did it.
Ideas for new parties are always welcome. Meanwhile, you can browse some statistical figures of past parties, no winners, no losers, only some data for curiousity:
For the last EURAO Party, the one in Autumn 2017, devoted to "FT8, a brand new mode", we have received more logs than ever: 24, including 1614 QSOs in 10 bands, from 12 countries in 3 continents.
The second one was in Autumn 2014 with the motto "be digital, explore 30m", co-organized with the 30 Meter Digital Group, when we received 21 logs with 661 QSOs in 17 modes, from 12 countries in 2 continents.
Certificates of Participation for all participants are ready for download now at the Party website.
Thanks to all participants and sorry for the delay in making the certificates available. Maybe this encourages sending more logs in the future. Or in the past, you are still on time.
We apologize to the new followers who did not understand that we were trying to keep the usual 'rules', but striking out not valid lines for the current party, in order to preserve the spirit of these non-competitive events but adapting to each particular case.
Even FT8 is a mode not good for ragchew, we wanted to take the opportunity to promote this new mode and encourage hams to discover it and use it, some of the purposes of the EURAO Parties.
Congratulations to those who guess it was necessary to adapt the CQ call "proposed". The most important was to participate and have fun. We hope you did it.
Ideas for new parties are always welcome. Meanwhile, you can browse some statistical figures of past parties, no winners, no losers, only some data for curiousity: