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Polish Rebel DX Group Travel Cheap to Top DXCCs

MessaggioInviato: 10 marzo 2018, 10:54
The Rebel DXers to Hoist the Sails!


Members of the Polish Rebel DX Group launch an extended transoceanic project called “Travel Cheap to Top DXCCs” in early May 2018. They plan to activate interesting and difficult-to-reach rare DXCC entities in the coming years – both on the Northern and Southern hemisphere.

The “Travel Cheap to Top DXCCs” project is a private and independent venture open to radio amateurs from all over the world – both individual participants and larger groups willing to charter our services exclusively. We administer private advanced boats allowed to sail on every waters. All paper works done like landing/entrance permissions, radio licenses are included in a package. Participants may also count on our advisory in finding cheaper flights.

At the very beginning, we invite all interested hams to join our second expedition to Kanton Island (T31) in May this year. A team of up to 10 operators will leave for Kanton from Samoa Island. There are still 5 seats left. Afterwards, another group will leave for Tokelau and Swains Island. But that’s just a beginning – later this year we will regroup and head for South Africa for another epic adventure!

Join the Bouvet Island Expedition 2018

There were seats initially reserved for members of the 3Y0Z expedition. To our surprise we’ve received absolutely no response to our courtesy and invitation. Since then… are you ready for an adventure of your lifetime? We offer an unique opportunity to join an international, interdisciplinary team of expeditioneers – scientists, TV crew and ham radio operators who will set foot at Bouvet Island yet in 2018. Since the expedition demands certain skills and preparations, our offer is addressed only to experienced ham radio travelers. We require full time availability, resistance to harsh, polar stormy sea conditions and being fully aware of decision-making to join the expedition. We will accept only serious applicants submitting their CV and a letter of application via email sent to

We invite all interested hams to join our extraordinary project.

The Rebel DX Group Team