Inviato: 6 luglio 2018, 17:40
DXpeditioner extraordinaire Erik A. Sjoelund, SM0AGD passed away on 4 July. Born in 1934 and inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame in 1981, his DX activity spanned 30 years (see
Highlights of his career include the 1974-76 operations from Serrana Bank (HK0AB) and Bajo Nuevo (HK0AA), several operations from Africa (notably Equatorial Guinea, Annobon, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome, Lesotho, Botswana, Rwanda, Swaziland and Zaire - today's Democratic Republic of the Congo), the unforgettable 1982 Transpacific DXpedition (3D2DX, 5W1EC, C21NI, FW0AG, SM0AGD/KH1, SM0AGD/KH8, T2AGD, T30CB, T31AE, T32AJ, ZK1AF from the North Cook Islands and ZM7AG from Tokelau), the 1997 expedition to Kure and Miday (K7K and K4M), and the 1999 "Double Trouble DXpedition" to Central Kiribati and Tokelau (T31T/T31K and ZK3DX/ZK3CW).