IOTA News - New Groups

OTA Programme Structure A.4.2 in the 2018 Directory provides for a review of the list of valid island groups to take place every five years. The last such occasion took place in June 2014 with the announcement made at the 50th anniversary celebration of IOTA’s launch the following month. It resulted in 11 new groups being added.
This time IOTA Management has decided to bring forward the review to give a chance for any new groups announced to be activated in 2019, the target year. The review process is scheduled to start with an announcement of some additions at this year’s RSGB Convention and may possibly finish with a top-up at next year’s Friedrichshafen Ham Radio event.
Any new groups will be very few in number, probably between 5 and 10. It should be noted that only proposals that meet the programme criteria at Sections B and C of the IOTA Programme Structure chapter (2018 Directory) will be considered and, as guidance, it is unlikely that any additions will be made to the Europe list because it is already generously covered. Proposals for consideration should be sent to Roger, G3KMA by 1 October with a short justification (one paragraph please) in terms of the programme criteria.
Best regards
Roger, G3KMA

This time IOTA Management has decided to bring forward the review to give a chance for any new groups announced to be activated in 2019, the target year. The review process is scheduled to start with an announcement of some additions at this year’s RSGB Convention and may possibly finish with a top-up at next year’s Friedrichshafen Ham Radio event.
Any new groups will be very few in number, probably between 5 and 10. It should be noted that only proposals that meet the programme criteria at Sections B and C of the IOTA Programme Structure chapter (2018 Directory) will be considered and, as guidance, it is unlikely that any additions will be made to the Europe list because it is already generously covered. Proposals for consideration should be sent to Roger, G3KMA by 1 October with a short justification (one paragraph please) in terms of the programme criteria.
Best regards
Roger, G3KMA