Inviato: 14 settembre 2018, 19:00
"We are happy to announce that our 3Y0Z Bouvet sea container is on its way home", Bob, K4UEE posted to qrz.com's 3Y0Z page on 10 September. "It should arrive in Chicago on September 26 then be moved to K9CT's QTH shortly thereafter. All associated costs have been paid. Craig K9CT says he will get all the loaned items/equipment back to our sponsors quickly and those shipping costs will then be paid.
From my perspective, we will then have all the expenses paid and can determine the amount of refund available to DX Clubs, DX Foundations, individual supporters and our team.
As previously mentioned, there will be several options available for everyone to consider when deciding what to do with their refund. PLS QRX!"
From my perspective, we will then have all the expenses paid and can determine the amount of refund available to DX Clubs, DX Foundations, individual supporters and our team.
As previously mentioned, there will be several options available for everyone to consider when deciding what to do with their refund. PLS QRX!"