The Board of Directors of The Yasme Foundation (http://www.yasme.org/) is pleased to announce that it has elected James Brooks, 9V1YC, as the newest Yasme Foundation Director. James was first licensed in the United States in September 1978 but has been active for the last 30 years as 9V1YC in Singapore. A BSEE graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, James owns a television post-production company based in Singapore that produces for networks such as Discovery, National Geographic, and HBO Asia. He has been a competitor at WRTC and led several DXpeditions to remote areas of the world, some of which are documented in a series of videos he has been making since 1997. James is on the council of the Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society, a co-founder of the Asia-Pacific Sprint, and a member of the CQ DX Hall of Fame.