"I've been running some reports on activity uploaded in logs up to the end of December last year", Club Log's Michael Wells (G7VJR) posted to his blog on 10 March. "The total number of QSOs uploaded was quite high - more than any previous year - at 41.3 million QSOs. That's 12% higher than 2017 or 2016 (which were nearly identical at 36.8 million QSO each - and 2015 was 39.8 million). I think that fact is more significant given the ongoing decline of this particular solar cycle, and it's possible evidence of extra activity from FT8 and newly-active amateurs who'd run out of steam on CW and SSB, but are back to try digital modes". As for the operating habits, "in 2017, 8,000 Club Log users had uploaded at least one QSO with FT8. However, in 2018, that number has risen to 14,200. For comparison, 13,900 users uploaded at least one CW contact, and 18,000 at least one phone (mainly SSB) contact. The total number of active users was just under 22,000 across all modes in 2018". Read the full report (quite interesting) on