"The deadline for requesting a partial 48% refund of your financial contribution to 3Y0Z has now passed (March 15, 2019)", Bob, K4UEE 3Y0Z Co-leader and Chief Financial Officer) posted to the DXpedition's
qrz.com page on 11 June. "A large number of you reponded favorably to the refund option and either requested a refund, donated their refund to either the 3Y0Z team, NCDXF, INDEXA or GDXF (German DX Foundation). The process was orderly and I thank you for your cooperation. These were very unusual
circumstances. Any plans for the 3Y0Z team to attempt a return to Bouvet are currently 'on hold' as we want the Rebel DX Group to be free to complete their efforts to activate Bouvet. We wish them good luck and a safe, successful mission".
qrz.com page on 11 June. "A large number of you reponded favorably to the refund option and either requested a refund, donated their refund to either the 3Y0Z team, NCDXF, INDEXA or GDXF (German DX Foundation). The process was orderly and I thank you for your cooperation. These were very unusual
circumstances. Any plans for the 3Y0Z team to attempt a return to Bouvet are currently 'on hold' as we want the Rebel DX Group to be free to complete their efforts to activate Bouvet. We wish them good luck and a safe, successful mission".