Inviato: 14 giugno 2019, 16:31
The Rebel DX Group (Tack, JE1CKA and Dom, 3Z9DX) was active from Conway Reef between 07:57 UTC on 1 June and 12:18 UTC on 9 June. As of 14 June, 33808 QSOs have been uploaded to Club Log, but the team is still "working through some 3D2CR log issues". QSL direct only (no bureau) exclusively via Club Log's OQRS: see https://www.rebeldxgroup.com/ under "QSL/ONLINE LOG INFO" for more information. The next leg of the Rebel DX Group's Pacific Tour is Banaba Island (T33T) "in a month or so", as the catamaran "will need some maintenance and repairs". Updates will be posted to the group's website above.