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Creativity Emotions and the Arts

MessaggioInviato: 27 agosto 2019, 21:40
Centro Botín, Santander (Spain) - Oct. 9, 10 and 11

The Fundación Botín and the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence hold the first International Conference on Creativity, Emotions, and the Arts at the Centro Botín of Santander.

Creatively and by means of a diverse group of respected international experts in each of these areas, we will exchange knowledge, progress, research, uncertainties and experiences and study in depth the connection between these three concepts and how the arts can help us develop our creativity and overcame daily challenges, improve our personal well-being and generate social and economic wealth.

Throughout the three days of the Conference, the attendees will participate in talks, presentations and workshops delivered by educational experts and artists who work alongside the Centro Botín and experience various approaches to develop creativity through the arts.

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