Messaggio 25 ottobre 2019, 17:36


As of 01.00 UTC on 25 October, the VP6R DXpedition to Pitcairn Island had approximately 47,000 contacts in the log. "Late yesterday we were hit with a tropical storm with torrential rain and gale force plus winds", the team reported on 25 October. "We had several antennas come down, but they are repairable and will be back up when it is safe to go outside".
They "have been working a lot of FT8 on all the bands (except 160m so far) and find that this 'weak' signal mode is putting a lot of new and unique callsigns into the log, proving that this mode is valuable for a great many". VP6R operates FT8 "Fox & Hound" mode, which means that you
1. MUST use WSJT-X version 2.1.0 (any other version is incompatibile!)
2. MUST be in F/H mode
3. MUST be in SPLIT mode (in WSJT-X program, not your radio)
4. MUST set your transmit frequency above 1000 Hz
"When conditions are good and everyone has FT8 set up properly", the team says, "we have seen peak rates over 1000 contacts/hour and often sustained rates of 400 contacts/hour from a single station! And, yes, it is possible for one person to operate two stations at once. We do it often.
We will be on 160m (1.836 MHz) with FT8 F/H starting 00.00 UTC on 29 October. Depending upon success, we might spend additional time in that mode on 160m".
VP6R will shout down temporarily at about 22 UTC on 25 October to prepare for the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. They will be in the Multi/Multi category on all bands. After the contest they will be back in "DXpedition mode" until 31 October.
As for QSLing, the QSL manager for the VP6R is Craig, K9CT, and the address for direct mail QSLing is: The Pitcairn Island DXpedition, P.O. Box 73, Elmwood IL 61529, USA. The preferred method of QSLing, however, is via Club Log's OQRS, which will be activated only when the final log has been uploaded. Donors will get early LoTW upload.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB - -




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