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MessaggioInviato: 8 novembre 2019, 18:40
The DXpedition to Pitcairn Island went QRT on 1 November at 18 UTC. According to the latest update on Club Log, 82700 QSOs were made with 20491 callsigns from North America (52%), Asia (22,2%), Europe (20,7%) and the rest of the world (5%). The most productive bands were 20m (17099 QSOs), 15m (14421), 17m (11653) and 40m (11106); the most productive mode was CW (34208 QSOs), followed by FT8 (25505) and SSB (22933). Some FT8 QSOs are still not online, though: when the team gets home, there will be a final upload, and Club Log's OQRS will be activated. QSLing details can be found on Eventually the entire log will be uploaded to LOTW. While on the island, the team helped two local hams get back on the air: Meralda, VP6MW has a new vertical for 40, 30 and 15m, and is set up now to operate FT8; Mike, VP6AZ has a repaired vertical and new beam.