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DK2OM receives IARU Diamond Award

MessaggioInviato: 30 dicembre 2019, 16:42
Monday, 30 December 2019 12:45
Written by Don Beattie

After many years’ involvement in monitoring intruders on the amateur bands, Wolf Hadel, DK2OM, has decided to retire at the end of 2019. Wolf has worked for the DARC monitoring system in Germany for more than 30 years and since 2005 has also coordinated the IARU Monitoring System of Region 1 (IARUMS).

Wolf has made a name for himself over the years as a committed radio amateur and competent band guard, and he is known for his excellent contacts with the official spectrum monitoring units. At Ham Radio 2016, it was my pleasure to award him the IARU Region 1 medal for his fight against illegal intruders on our bands and to recognize his ongoing exceptional leadership of the successful IARU monitoring system.

Wolf has worked closely with monitoring activities in the other IARU Regions and has built an excellent reputation amongst his colleagues around the world.

Wolf has also worked as a competent specialist author in recent years, together with Peter, HB9CET, and has mainly reported on digital intruders and Over-the-Horizon radars (OTHR) and has published monthly the much-respected IARU MS Newsletter.

In recognition of his contribution to spectrum monitoring over the years, not just in Region 1 but across the whole of IARU, on his retirement Wolf has been awarded the IARU President’s Diamond Award for his outstanding contribution to amateur radio spectrum defence through leadership of the IARU Monitoring Service. This is a well-deserved recognition of a very significant contribution to the amateur radio service. I congratulate Wolf on this award and sincerely thank him for his work over the years. We all wish Wolf a happy retirement.

Until the General Conference of IARU Region 1 in October 2020 in Novi Sad, IARUMS Region 1 Vice-Coordinator Peter Jost, HB9CET, will perform these tasks as Coordinator ad Interim, supported by Gaspar Miró, EA6AMM, URE coordinator of the Spanish Intruder Watch. I thank Peter and Gaspar for their willingness to maintain the IARU Monitoring System of Region 1 until the Conference next year.

Don Beattie, G3BJ
President IARU Region 1