Edward W. De Young, KS4AA passed away on 25 February. Born in 1941 and first licenced in 1955 as KN5COU in Texas, over the years he held several callsigns across the US (K5COU, K6CAA, AE7AE, AE7AA) and Hawaii (KH6GLU and NH7AA). Eddie migrated to Australia (1974-2011) and was QRV as VK4LX, VK8XX, VK2KS, VK4EET and finally VK4AN. His first DX call was KX6BK (Kwajalein, Marshall Islands 1963) and his first DXpedition was to Fanning Island, Line Islands (nowadays East Kiribati) in 1968 as VR3DY. Other DX activities included FW8DY (Wallis Island 1969), 5W1AF (1970), VS5AA (Brunei 1972), C21XX (1987), VI0ANT (Davis Station, Antarctica 1994-95), VI9NI (2006), 3D2EE (2007), 3D2A (2008, 2010 and 2011) and T2T & T2V (2011). He was also one of the operators of 3D2XX, the first DXpedition to Rotuma (1988) A past National Awards Manager for the Wireless Institute of Australia, he recently stepped down as editor of CQ Amateur Radio's "Awards" column.