Inviato: 17 aprile 2020, 17:48
As large-scale public events will remain banned in Germany until 31 August owing to the COVID-19 crisis, the 45th Ham Radio Friedrichshafen will not take place on 26-28 June as planned.
The 2020 event has been cancelled, and Ham Radio will return on 25-27 June 2021. For the time being, "exhibitors will be presenting product innovations in the form of a virtual trade fair" and DARC "will be offering presentations" on the Ham Radio website: http://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.de/.
The 2020 event has been cancelled, and Ham Radio will return on 25-27 June 2021. For the time being, "exhibitors will be presenting product innovations in the form of a virtual trade fair" and DARC "will be offering presentations" on the Ham Radio website: http://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.de/.