Leszek Fabjanski, SP3DOI died on 15 August when his light-sport aircraft (SP-SLES) crashed near the Polish village of Kikity. Over the years Les participated in quite a number of DXpeditions, notably TJ3FR & TJ3SP in 2004; FS/DL7DF & PJ7/DL7DF and VU4AN/VU3NZC in 2006; VU7RG and 9U0A in 2007; VP6DX (Ducie Island) and A25/DL7DF in 2008; E44M and TX5SPM & TX5SPA (Marquesas and Austral Islands) in 2009; TY1KS and 3XY1D in 2011; T70DXC, A35YZ, E51EWP & E51M (South Cooks and North Cooks 2012), 1A0C and D64K in 2012; H44G & H40T (Solomon Islands and Temotu Province) and XR0ZR in 2013; 4S7DFG, 4S7FRG & 4S7LXG in 2014; T31T in 2016; VP2MDL in 2017; Z23MD in 2018.