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MessaggioInviato: 20 novembre 2020, 17:03
Both Mike Mills, G3TEV and Emir Mahmutovic, 9A6AA passed away on 13 November.
Aged 87, Mike was the QSL manager for Brian, 9J2BO: "I can't thank enough for the excellent job he did for me putting in many hours of work to ensure that QSLs are answered as promptly as possible. We had a daily sched for this purpose", he says. Brian asks to refrain from sending QSL cards until further notice.
An active DXer, contestman and enthusiastic island activator, Emir was a founding member of the Croatian Flora & Fauna Programme, and President of the Radioklub Hrvatska Flora Fauna. In 2019 he was one of the operators of the D68CCC DXpedition to the Comoros.