Halim Dani Hidayat, YB2CW passed away on 12 December. Born in 1963, he was first licensed as YD2DVM in 1982, then switched to YC2DVM (1984), YC2TJV (2003), YB2TJV (2007) and finally YB2CW in December 2018. He served as President of ORARI Lokal Kebumen and Chairman of the IARU Region 3 Disaster Communication Committee, and gave his services also to the Scout movement and the Indonesian Red Cross. Dani was renowned for producing logos for many major DXpeditions (e.g. K1N, Navassa 2015) and IOTA operations, as well as for organizations and individuals (e.g. the M0OXO QSL Manager and OQRS logos).