Messaggio 2 aprile 2021, 16:25


Fausto Minardi, I4EAT died of Covid-19 on 31 March aged 71. Your trulies have lost a dear personal friend, and Italy has lost one of its top DXers.
Licensed since 1968, during the Seventies Fausto operated almost exclusively on 2 metres. While experimenting with all propagation modes, in 1978 he made the first ever 2m EME QSO from Italy, and in 1979 he established a TEP world record (QSO with ZS3B, nearly 8,000 kilometres away).
Fausto started activity on the other bands in 1979, and in August 1982 he got his 5BWAZ with 200 Zones. He made the first Top Band QSO in 1984: "for several years my chances were limited due to very modest setup", he recalled, but "with the new century I have experienced the extraordinary performance of the beverage antennas and my score on that band really improved". He became QRV on 6 metres in April 2001, and it took only seven months for him to work the 100th Entity on the Magic Band. Fausto's latest scores on 160 and 6 metres are 317 and 229 respectively; his current/total DXCC Honor Roll scores are 340/357 (Mixed), 340/357 (Phone), 339/349 (CW) and 332/335 (Digital).
With 3129 band points, he won the 2007 DXCC Challenge DeSoto Cup and took the title away from W4DR for the first time ever. Fausto maintained the lead until 2012; the current DXCC Challenge standings see him in third place with 3239 band points.
In 1999 he entered the IOTA Programme and developed a genuine enthusiasm for island chasing. The latest IOTA Honour Roll Listing shows I4EAT with 1116 groups out of a possible 1136 that have seen activity, and he still leads the IOTA VHF Listing with 221 credits.
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco Presidente C.I.S.A.R. sezione di Roma IQ0HB - -



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