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MessaggioInviato: 4 giugno 2021, 17:22
Nils-Goran Persson, SM6CAS passed away on 24 May. Licensed since 1959, he was a DXer with a total of 357 Entities in the DXCC Mixed standings, and was a doyen of IOTA chasing, as he gained his initial certificate #7 in 1967. He operated from various island groups in Sweden and Iceland (TF4/SM6CAS and TF4WW, EU-168), and in the Nineties he was active from the Pacific, notably as V63CS (OC-012, OC-078 and OC-180 in 1993), T33CS (Banaba 1994), 3D2CT/3D2CU (Conway Reef 1995), T31T and ZK3CW (the 1999 "Double Trouble" DXpedition to Central Kiribati and Tokelau). Nils was also the driving force behind the 2010 T32 Southern Line Islands operation that activated four new IOTAs.