Inviato: 4 marzo 2022, 19:31
* The International Amateur Radio Union issued the following statement on 28 February: "IARU is an apolitical organization focused on promoting and defending amateur radio and the amateur radio services. The amateur radioservice is about self-instruction in communications and friendship between
* The operators of the DX Summit have removed the Ukrainian callsigns as amateur radio has been suspended in the country since the 24 February declaration of a state of emergency. Moreover, as "DX Summit wants to avoid being an advertising medium for war and war related messages of any kind, we see it reasonable to block out all cluster posted messages related to this unfortunate event". In addition, they have also blocked callsigns and messages posted by operators from Russia, Belarus and Donetsk.
* QRZ has removed - not deleted from the dbase, though - Russian (and Belarusian) callsigns. AA7BQ's sticky post explains the reasoning behind this decision:
* On 3 March, Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii (the Russian Amateur Radio Union) posted an appeal to the International Amateur Radio Union and its national member societies. "Each of us off the air can give our own assessment of what is currently happening in Ukraine, but it is today that we can and must demonstrate to the public that radio amateurs are a community of people who treat each other with respect, regardless of political beliefs, religion, or nationality": has the complete text (in Russian), or read the translation on DX World.
* The operators of the DX Summit have removed the Ukrainian callsigns as amateur radio has been suspended in the country since the 24 February declaration of a state of emergency. Moreover, as "DX Summit wants to avoid being an advertising medium for war and war related messages of any kind, we see it reasonable to block out all cluster posted messages related to this unfortunate event". In addition, they have also blocked callsigns and messages posted by operators from Russia, Belarus and Donetsk.
* QRZ has removed - not deleted from the dbase, though - Russian (and Belarusian) callsigns. AA7BQ's sticky post explains the reasoning behind this decision:
* On 3 March, Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii (the Russian Amateur Radio Union) posted an appeal to the International Amateur Radio Union and its national member societies. "Each of us off the air can give our own assessment of what is currently happening in Ukraine, but it is today that we can and must demonstrate to the public that radio amateurs are a community of people who treat each other with respect, regardless of political beliefs, religion, or nationality": has the complete text (in Russian), or read the translation on DX World.