Inviato: 22 marzo 2022, 16:25
By Ric, DL2VFR
It is a difficult and sad task for me to inform you that my friend Klaus-Dieter Pöls, DL7UXG, passed away today.
Klaus was the editor of the DX-Mitteilungsblatt (DXMB or DXNL = DX-Newsletter of the DARC). He started in 1970 as short wave listener and became licensed first 1974 as DM4XIG. Later he was active as Y51SL and Y28XL before he obtained DL7UXG.
Since 2011 he contributed to the IOTA news of the DXNL and took over as responsible editor in 2014. Almost 400 DXNL have been published until last week by Klaus. This week there will be no DXNL. Klaus was a very active expeditioner from WWFF and several IOTA in DL, SM, OZ, LA, OH and TF. We had new plans for this year. R.I.P.