The well-known DXpeditioner Alexey Yakovlev, UT5UY has reunited with his family in Finland. The war in Ukraine has become a heavy weight for the whole world and amateur radio operators alike. A month in the bomb shelter affected UT5UY's family tremendously, and it became clear that only one option remained for him: to send his family overseas to safety, while Alex remained in Ukraine defending his homeland. This is the time when the ham community got together to help rescue his family and provide them with a reasonable life outside Ukraine.
With the war continuing and with no end in sight, Alex, with a special permit, came to Finland to join his wife Sasha and son Daniel. Alex arrived on 16 May, with only one suitcase and his laptop computer. He has already received his new Finnish radio license, and you will soon be able to hear OH5UY QRV.
It was amateur radio that has helped Alex's life improve for the better.
Thank you to the group behind the scenes: K0IR, K3ZO, N7NG, N7NR, N9US, NG0Z, NY9H, W0GJ, W0ZT, W3UR, WB9Z, OH1DV, OH1TV, OH7EA, the Metro DX Club, the Northern Illinois DX Association, as well as SP7VMM and SP7VUM, who provided the land transportation in Poland.
Many people have inquired about an opportunity to help Alex with his new beginning: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ut5uysupport. If you have any questions or need additional details for your support, please contact Adrian KO8SCA (ci...@yahoo.com) or Martti OH2BH (oh...@sral.fi).
With the war continuing and with no end in sight, Alex, with a special permit, came to Finland to join his wife Sasha and son Daniel. Alex arrived on 16 May, with only one suitcase and his laptop computer. He has already received his new Finnish radio license, and you will soon be able to hear OH5UY QRV.
It was amateur radio that has helped Alex's life improve for the better.
Thank you to the group behind the scenes: K0IR, K3ZO, N7NG, N7NR, N9US, NG0Z, NY9H, W0GJ, W0ZT, W3UR, WB9Z, OH1DV, OH1TV, OH7EA, the Metro DX Club, the Northern Illinois DX Association, as well as SP7VMM and SP7VUM, who provided the land transportation in Poland.
Many people have inquired about an opportunity to help Alex with his new beginning: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ut5uysupport. If you have any questions or need additional details for your support, please contact Adrian KO8SCA (ci...@yahoo.com) or Martti OH2BH (oh...@sral.fi).