DXpedition leader, WA4DAN, and the CYØS team now confirm the dates of their upcoming DXpedition to Sable Island DXpedition… March 20-29, 2023.
Sable Island is ranked #50 on the DXCC “most wanted” list and needed by many DXers for filling in “band slots”! We are planning four stations to be QRV 24/7 during our stay on the island.
Each station will use ICOM radio transceivers and 500-watt amplifiers. Modes will be CW, SSB, Digital and EME.
The CYØS team has monoband Yagis for 20, 15 and 10m and a duo-band Cushcraft A3WS Yagi for 12 and 17m. The Team will erect dedicated verticals for 160, 80, 40 and 30m and are planning to lay out 4,000 ft. of radials.
We have chartered a BN-2a Britten Norman Islander from Sable Aviation and a Helicopter from Vision Air Services to facilitate transporting equipment, antennas, eight operators, food and personal gear including warm clothing.
Flights to Sable are often delayed due to poor weather or unfavorable beach conditions. But we have successfully negotiated overnight stays and a 2-3 day extension on our permit.
We are extremely limited in the total weight allowed by both our transportation charters to only 3,000 pounds. This is due to weight and balance considerations. And both charter companies have promised a yet-undetermined rate increase due to higher fuel costs. This is in addition to other expense challenges. The current budget is $75,000 and is likely to go higher.
We have always subscribed to the DXpedition funding model used by DX Expeditions, Inc. The Team will put up 50% of the total costs and the DX community will be asked to fund the other 50%. In that regard, we are very pleased to announce that an anonymous “well-known DXer and DXpeditioner,” has offered to match any donations between now and the beginning of the operation.
This is obviously huge and very generous!
Why should you, your DX Club or DX Foundation help us?
This is the largest Sable Island DXpedition Team ever.
The Team has very experienced DXpeditioners including two DX Hall of Fame members.
Right time of Sunspot Cycle.
First ever FT8 operation from Sable Island.
Very good LB antennas
Indications are that it may be “a while” before a Ham Radio permit will be issued again.
Because of the “matching offer”, this is an excellent opportunity to help us fund the CYØS DXpedition.
Those individual DXers, DX Clubs and DX Foundations that have already agreed to support us may decide on additional support. And of course, those in the DX community who have waited for our plans to be finalized, or who have not been asked for support, this is a way to double your contribution.
To help support us, you may contact Bill, K5DHY or go to:
The team would like recognize three important Sponsors: the Anonymous Matching Donor, Vibroplex/ & Spiderbeam companies — and especially DX Engineering who has been very generous!